Exploration Fuelling Future Energy Production

Exploring the emerging Thelon Basin in   Uranium Rich   Canadian Jurisdiction

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Empowering a New Energy Future

Uranium, Nuclear Power & the Clean Energy Transition

Uranium, as a key element in nuclear power, is vital for the future clean energy transition.

Nuclear energy, generated from uranium, produces minimal greenhouse gas emissions, providing a reliable and sustainable energy source.

Its role is crucial in reducing carbon footprints and achieving global climate goals, complementing renewable energy sources like wind and solar. 

Fenix Uranium Project

Thelon Basin, Nunavut, Canada

The Fenix Project spans 100 km² in the Thelon Basin, Nunavut, Canada. Recently acquired by Cosmos, it features five identified boulder trains with peak values of 6% U3O8.

Investigations by Cosmos and prior explorers suggest the boulder trains’ sources are within the project area, which also hosts outcropping fracture-hosted mineralization peaking at 2.5% U3O8. The Thelon Basin offers significant potential for new high-grade unconformity-style uranium discoveries, having seen much less exploration compared to the well-known Athabasca Basin.

Uranium Demand Outstripping Supply

Global Factors Supercharging Demand

Global demand for uranium is outpacing supply due to several key factors. Supply shutdowns, driven by production cutbacks and market conditions, have reduced available uranium. Geopolitical factors, such as trade restrictions and international policies, further limit access to resources. Additionally, international conflicts disrupt mining operations and transportation routes. As more countries seek reliable and efficient energy sources, the demand for uranium continues to rise, exacerbating the supply-demand imbalance.